
After much problems i managed to install ubuntu with a alternate install cd on a MSI-VR630 http://global.msi.eu/index.php?func=...d_no=1650#menu .
now after installation i can't start up ubuntu i've tried different options for vga and noapic but no luck .
When i trie to start the screen turns black after loading the networkcard(networkcard loads OK) and the computer locks up no hd act.

i tried other distro's but no luck debian,fedora,mandriva.
I need it to run ubuntu cos it's a portable for a linux novice and i think ubuntu is the best distro at the moment.

the only distro that runs wihtout a problem is elive(debian based) i can access the files and folders of my installed ubuntu 8.10 distro.

can sombody help me with getting ubuntu 8.10 running?
